Google Advertising

Google Ads is an online advertising program that you can use to promote your business digitally. Through this, you can create online advertisement that can reach targeted people who are interested in the products and services that you offer. You can utilize this program to help you promote your businesses, help sell products or services, raise awareness, and increase traffic to your website.

If you want to improve your conversion rate and drive more revenue to your business, then Google advertising has your back. For example, 65% of users click an ad when they are about to make a purchase. Why is that so?

The average user expects to find what they are looking for in the first ten seconds of their search on Google. Relevant and valuable Google ads will always appear at the top of the Google Search Results Page (SERP). What difference are you making from your competitors?

Google values its users, which informs you why reviewing its policies forms part of its business process. You want to ensure that your ads meet Google’s standards to show at the top whenever your audience types a keyword relevant to your business.

Also, you want to be confident that your ads still meet Google’s standards after revising their policies. You can trust our team to craft unique, relevant and valuable Google ads for your business as you take care of your growing traffic.

Why Google Advertising?

Click-Through-Rate (CTR)

Google ads have a relatively higher click-through rate than Facebook ads, meaning more users visit your website

Conversion rate

Most users who click a Google ad intend to purchase that item or service. Though Facebook may attract many leads, it may take more time to convert than Google ads. That means a fast-paced sales increase!

Ad targeting

While targeting and retargeting, Facebook ads are based on the audience. Google ads optimize keywords to reach your target audience. So give your audience what they are looking for and count on that conversion.

If you own a locally based business, here is a chance to reach your audience in the comfort of their homes. You miss a sale every time your audience searches for a product or service near you, but Google can’t find you.

Here is the deal with Digital Estate Media

  • We identify your business goal and conduct informed research to understand what your target audience is looking for.

  • We identify your competitors and the gaps that we can bridge to help your business stand out.

  • Our professional team identifies the keywords for your target audience and optimizes them for Google to understand the value you are offering your audience.

  • We review your ad performance to retarget and ensure it always meets Google’s Ad policies.

Won't you count on that

conversion now?

Digital Estate Media

We are the premier digital marketing solution in Mississauga. Contact us today to get your free, no-obligation consultation!

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Digital Estate Media

7585 Torbram Rd, Mississauga, ON L4T 1H2